Sunday, November 30, 2008

No SAG Strike

This week I was going to write a review of "Transporter 3". However, I instead want to spread another message. If you are currently employed, I am sure that you are thankful, especially in these hard times. If you are unemployed or have ever been unemployed, you know the hardships this can bring.

My brother works in Hollywood and the writers' strike was very hard on tens of thousands of people that (not being a member of the WGA union) suffered four months of unemployment, did not receive back wages (like the WGA negotiated for) and lost their health insurance benefits.

Now the Screen Actors' Guild is on the brink of striking. Today's economy can't bear another strike - the trickle-down effect is huge (and not just in CA). Please help keep people employed this holiday season and beyond. Go to and sign this petition against the strike. Thank you - Suzanne.

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