In both previous “Transporter” movies, Frank Martin is a driver for hire. He has a set of rules that he adheres to. Rule One: Never change the deal. Rule Two: No names – he doesn't want to know whom he's working for, or what he's transporting. Rule Three: Never look in the package.
But in this film he deviates from his credo and breaks all three rules. He changes the deal and drives off course. He finds out whom he is working for and what he is delivering. And he definitely opens the package! Valentina (newcomer Natayla Rudakova) is a girl after my own heart – she relates to their different destinations by the meals that she has eaten in each city. I loved the way she talked about food – it was an experience onto itself.
With Valentina’s help, Frank becomes a man that might actually consider a career change. And while I will miss him if there is no sequel, it was definitely worth the ride in “Transporter 3”.
You can view clips of the flick at the bottom of this page.
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