OK – before you begin bitchin’ how “Quantum of Solace” did not live up to your expectations, you need to revisit “Casino Royale”. If you do – you’ll find that “Quantum of Solace” is a perfect companion to “Casino Royale”.

However, “Casino Royale” ends (**spoiler alert**) with the death of the woman James loved. And his hurt is visible on his face when he says to M “The job’s done and the bitch is dead”. Her betrayal and her death have shaken him to his core.

“Quantum of Solace” begins where “Royale” ended. This movie delivers in both action and story. There are some skeptics that felt Marc Forster (“Monster’s Ball”, “Finding Neverland”, “The Kite Runner”) could deliver an action flick. However, the opening scenes of “Quantum” deliver a high-speed car chase (hot cars) and a high-flying, death defying gun fight (who needs gadgets when you’ve got brute strength and your wits).
It also delivers via story and it shows Bond’s growth as a man. At the start of the film, we have a spy so bent on revenge and this revenge will only be satiated by the death of the individuals that caused the demise of Vesper. Even when Bond is in the same room as M, she isn’t sure whether he is working for MI6 or if he has gone rouge.
In a moment when Bond has nowhere else to turn, he visits his friend Mathis. If you remember Mathis – he was in “Royale” and Bond thought that Mathis had betrayed him – now he turns to Mathis in his time of need. The two of them share a bond brought about by the lives they lead and when (**spoiler alert**) Mathis is killed, you can see something in James’ personality change. This supposedly coldhearted man weeps for the loss of his friend.
Between Mathis and his (platonic) relationship with Camille (who is also seeking revenge at the loss of loved ones), James realizes that karma might actually be the best revenge. And leaving his enemies alive to face what they’ve done is enough. Face-to-face with the man you was responsible for Vesper’s death, Bond leaves the man alive. His reasoning, “I don't think the dead care about vengeance”.
For those that want the Bond of yesteryear – watch the previous movies (20 prior to "Royale"). I want my Bond to be “Bourne”. I want a spy I can believe in and relate to. I want a man who can use his wits and his strength to defeat his enemies. I want to know that he actually might die – that his life is actually in danger. This makes my heart race when I’m watching these films.
“Quantum of Solace” did have fast cars, hot women and there were “gadgets” – note all the technology in MI6. And if one more person complains about the name of this flick – then he/she is not a Bond or Ian Fleming fan. “Quantum of Solace” is actually a Bond short story that can be found in the “For Your Eyes Only” anthology. So, quit your bitchin’.
yeah! i argued a whole night with my director friend! I think he and others are just predjudice!
Ming - thanks for your comment. After reading so many unfavorable reviews this weekend, I had to speak out - and I'm glad that I found some support :)
"you’ll find that “Quantum of Solace” is a perfect companion to “Casino Royale”."
THANK YOU. This is exactly what I've been trying to tell people.
Hey John - thanks for checking out my blog and the feedback. I appreciate your support. - Suzanne
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