Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hairspray (2007)

omg! This is the best movie I have seen this summer! I absolutely loved it! The music (actually sung by the actors in the film) was fantastic. I bought the soundtrack immediately. And the acting - I had never thought Amanda Bynes was more than a Nickelodeon tween star (which - don't get me wrong - SpongBob rules!), but she was so three-dimensional. Even though she was playing
a teen - she just had her first adult role. John Travolta (still nimble on his feet) was fantastic. And both Michelle (Grease 2 - "Cool Rider" anyone?) and James Marsden did marvelous vocal work.

The big shout out goes to Nikki Blonsky. She speaks for every women everywhere. She was unbelievable. I loved her! For all girls that just want to have fun!

And beside all of the great acting and the music - there was actually a plot to this film. You won't find spoilers here - just go! Not a suggestion - a command.


PS: Elijah Kelley is hot!


Eterno said...

With Zac Effron? Was it a bit like Grease?

Suzanne said...

Hairspray had a definite "musical" feel to it than Grease did, but the content of the songs were adult to be sure. And Zac Efron did a great job as a teeny-bopper with bigger problems than the problems on "High School Musical".

I just love the soundtrack. My husband bought it for me the very next day. It was great movie and I can't wait to own it.