So the final movie I viewed over the holiday season was Up In The Air. I wanted to see this movie because I’m a George Clooney fan. I’ve been a fan for quite awhile, since he was on a little show called “E/R” (the comedy – not the drama) that also starred Jason Alexander, Elliot Gould and Mary McDonnell and aired back in 1984-1985.
This was a solid dramatic film with a good story. It is particularly poignant given the current recession. The film actually shot everyday, regular people that had been “let-go” from their place of employment due to the recession and that surely made me stop and think about what was happening in the real world, outside the comfy theatre.
However, the story itself really centers on Clooney’s Ryan Bingham and his inability to make a lasting, emotional connection with someone. The man really is married to his job. He meets people at one of their most vulnerable points in life – when they are being fired – and by him, no less. He recognizes the pain and suffering they are going through while never showing any emotion. His job has left him emotionally unavailable to everyone around him – his family, his coworkers, even the gal next door.
And he has a ridiculous goal to become one of only six other individuals that have flown over 10,000 miles. This childish goal only aids in stunting his emotional growth. (Of course, this is also where Sam Elliot fits into the story – and I love to listen to Sam talk, so…I’ll let it slide).
I think that this picture definitely has some Academy Award potential, but I’m not sure that I agree with critics that all three main characters are in the running. George and Vera Farmiga are solid, but Anna Kendrick steals the show. As recent graduate Natalie, she is the perfect counter to Ryan.
I don’t want to say much more, because I don’t want to give away any significant plot points as to whether Ryan makes a connection (whether it be with a person or another flight to reach his mileage goal). I’ll leave that for your own discovery.
Trailers can be viewed by scrolling down to the end of this page.