I am not a “Trekker” by any means – I can’t rattle off trivia about the show in my sleep. But I have watched more than my fair share of the original series, “Next Generation”, “Deep Space Nine”, “Voyager” and (my favorite) “Enterprise”. And I am a fan of the overall series and what Gene Roddenberry created.
That being said, I’m a huge J.J. Abrams from back in the days of “Felicity”. And the man is a frakkin’ genius. He didn’t create a prequel to the Star Trek series – he rewrote science fiction history with his re-boot of this classic series.
The movie explains how the two lead characters (Kirk and Spock) developed into the men that they are “today”. And it brought a whole new level of appreciation to the characters that Shatner and Nimoy played in the original series.
J.J. Abrams honored all the franchises by sprinkling the film with in-the-know references. The great scene at the beginning with the canyon running through Iowa was a direct reference to an episode of “Enterprise” that rivals our 9/11. Abrams and his crew (many of the folks also work with him on “Lost”) wrote a great story that was also deeply entertaining.
And the support cast was superb. I loved the performances from Simon Pegg (Scotty), Karl Urban (Bones), John Cho (Sulu) and Anton Yelchin (Checkov). I’m not going to give a more thorough review, because in this instance, seeing is really believing – and until you go you just won’t believe how great it really is.
However, I do have to end the review giving props to my brother who worked a camera crane on this pic and shot a number of scenes including the car chase scene, the winter planet scene and the entire parachute/fight scene on the drill (just see the movie and it will make more sense).
Below are trailers from the pic. Enjoy!